Our Mission

West Limerick Independent Living (WLIL), also known as Limerick CIL, is a not-for-profit company established in 1997. Our primary aim is to ensure that people with disabilities achieve independent living and full participation in society. As a provider of Personal Support Services to people with disabilities a cross Limerick, we have been delivering high-quality Personal Assistant (PA) services tailored to individuals’ persona l needs since the foundation of the organization.

Our mission is rooted in the Independent Living Philosophy, which emphasizes self-determination, self-respect, and equal opportunities for people with disabilities. We believe in empowering individuals to have control over their own lives, make decisions, and pursue activities of their choosing, regardless of disability.

Through unwavering advocacy and service provision, WLIL strives to mold a more inclusive and accessible society for people with disabilities in Ireland. In essence, West Limerick Independent Living is not merely an organization; it’s a testament to the power of vision, resilience, and collective determination. 

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